Lindsay Arnold: The Dance Prodigy’s Networth with College

Net Worth:
Estimated to be around $2.3 million as of 2023

Lindsay Arnold

Date of Birth:
January 11, 1994

Place of Birth:
Provo, Utah, USA

College Attended:
Utah Valley University


Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Spouse Name:
Samuel Cusick (Spouse)

Marital Status:

Professional Dancer, Choreographer

Famous TV Shows/Movies/YouTube Channel:

  • “So You Think You Can Dance”
  • “Dancing with the Stars”

Instagram Handle:
Information not available

Twitter Handle:
Information not available


Lindsay Arnold, with her impeccable dance moves and charismatic presence, has become a household name in the world of dance and entertainment. Her journey, from her early days in Provo, Utah, to the glitzy stages of national television, is nothing short of inspiring. This article provides an in-depth look into Lindsay’s life, achievements, and the milestones that have shaped her illustrious career.

Early Life and Background

Date of Birth and Early Years

Lindsay Arnold was born on January 11, 1994, in the scenic city of Provo, Utah. Her birth date itself seemed to set the stage for her future, as she shares her birthday month with some of the most iconic figures in the entertainment industry. From the moment she took her first steps, it was clear that Lindsay was destined to dance her way through life.

The Provo Influence: A City of Arts and Culture

Provo, Utah, is not just another American city; it’s a hub of arts and culture. Growing up in such an environment played a significant role in shaping Lindsay’s artistic sensibilities. The city’s rich cultural tapestry provided her with the perfect backdrop to explore her love for dance, offering her opportunities to attend various dance events, workshops, and competitions from a young age.

Family Dynamics: The Pillars of Support

  • Mother: Mindy Arnold, a dance enthusiast and owner of a dance academy
  • Siblings: Eldest of four sisters – Rylee, Jensen, and Brynlee

Lindsay’s family has been her rock, providing her with the emotional and logistical support needed to pursue her dreams. Her mother, Mindy Arnold, is not just a parent but also her first dance teacher. Mindy owns a dance academy and has been instrumental in introducing Lindsay to the world of dance. As the eldest of four sisters, Lindsay naturally assumed the role of the trailblazer in the family. Her sisters looked up to her as a role model, both in dance and in life. The family’s close-knit bond is evident in how they celebrate each other’s successes and stand together during challenging times.

The Role of a Trailblazer

Being the eldest sibling often comes with its own set of responsibilities and expectations, and Lindsay was no exception. She was the standard-setter, the one her younger sisters would look up to for inspiration and guidance. Whether it was mastering a complicated dance move or navigating the complexities of adolescence, Lindsay was the go-to person for her sisters. Her role as a trailblazer extended beyond her family, inspiring a whole generation of young dancers who aspired to reach the heights she has achieved.

Education and Dance Training

The Enigma of Academic Background

While many aspects of Lindsay Arnold’s life are like an open book, her academic background remains shrouded in mystery. Unlike her well-documented dance career, details about her schooling and college education are relatively private. However, this secrecy only adds to the allure of her persona, making her dance journey all the more fascinating.

The Genesis of a Dance Prodigy: Early Training

  • Age of Initiation: Started dancing at the tender age of four
  • First Dance Steps: Under the tutelage of her mother, Mindy Arnold

Lindsay Arnold’s dance journey began when most kids her age were still learning to write their names. At the tender age of four, she took her first dance steps, guided by her mother, Mindy Arnold, who was not just a parent but also a mentor. This early initiation into the world of dance laid the foundation for her future success, instilling in her the discipline and passion required to excel in this demanding art form.

The Palette of Dance Forms: A Versatile Artist

  • Latin: Mastered the intricate footwork and expressive movements
  • Ballroom: Excelled in the elegance and poise required for this classic dance form
  • Contemporary: Showcased her ability to convey emotions through dance

Lindsay Arnold is not just a dancer; she’s a versatile artist who has trained in various dance styles. Her expertise in Latin dance showcases her intricate footwork and expressive movements. In ballroom dance, she brings an air of elegance and poise that captivates the audience. Her skills in contemporary dance allow her to convey complex emotions, making her performances not just visually stunning but emotionally resonant as well.

The Competitive Edge: A Force to be Reckoned With

  • Local Competitions: Dominated the Utah dance scene, winning multiple awards
  • National Competitions: Made her mark on larger platforms, such as “So You Think You Can Dance”
  • Recognition: Garnered accolades and titles, solidifying her reputation in the dance community

Lindsay Arnold’s competitive spirit is as legendary as her dance skills. From a young age, she participated in numerous local and national dance competitions, often emerging victorious. Her dominance in the Utah dance scene was just the beginning; she soon made her mark on larger platforms like “So You Think You Can Dance,” where she showcased her versatility and skill. These competitive experiences not only honed her abilities but also garnered her numerous accolades and titles, solidifying her reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the dance community.

Professional Achievements

Reality TV Breakthrough

The Catalyst: “So You Think You Can Dance”

  • Season: Participated in the ninth season of the show
  • Partnership: Paired with fusion martial arts dancer Cole Horibe
  • Impact: Gained national attention and showcased her versatility

Lindsay Arnold’s first significant break in the entertainment industry came when she participated in the ninth season of the reality TV show “So You Think You Can Dance.” Paired with fusion martial arts dancer Cole Horibe, Lindsay showcased her versatility by adapting to various dance styles throughout the competition. Although she didn’t win the title, her performances caught the eye of the nation, earning her a dedicated fan following and setting the stage for bigger opportunities. The show served as a catalyst, propelling her from a talented dancer to a national sensation.

The Pinnacle: “Dancing with the Stars”

  • Debut: Joined the show in its 16th season as a troupe dancer
  • Promotion: Became a professional partner by the 21st season
  • Partners: Partnered with celebrities like Victor Ortiz and Jordan Fisher
  • Accolades: Won the title with Jordan Fisher in the 25th season

If “So You Think You Can Dance” was the catalyst, then “Dancing with the Stars” was the pinnacle of Lindsay Arnold’s reality TV journey. She initially joined the show in its 16th season as a troupe dancer, but her exceptional skills and charisma soon led to her promotion as a professional partner by the 21st season. Over the years, she has partnered with various celebrities, including boxer Victor Ortiz and actor Jordan Fisher. Her crowning achievement came in the 25th season when she won the title with Jordan Fisher, cementing her status as a household name in the United States.

The Ripple Effect: Beyond Reality TV

  • Endorsements: Landed lucrative deals with brands
  • Social Media: Gained a massive following, amplifying her influence
  • Career Diversification: Ventured into choreography and business

Lindsay’s success on reality TV had a ripple effect on her career. She landed lucrative endorsement deals and gained a massive social media following, amplifying her influence beyond the dance floor. Her reality TV stardom also opened doors for her to diversify her career, allowing her to venture into choreography and even launch her own clothing line.

Notable Achievements

The Glittering Trophies: Awards and Titles

  • US Open Youth Latin Championships: A Pinnacle of Youth Achievement
    • Significance: One of the most prestigious youth dance competitions in the United States
    • Impact: Winning this title not only brought Lindsay recognition but also validated her skills at a young age, setting her on a path to greater success.
  • US Open Junior Latin Championships: The Stepping Stone to Stardom
    • Significance: A highly competitive platform that brings together the best junior Latin dancers
    • Impact: Clinching this title was a testament to Lindsay’s exceptional talent and hard work, further solidifying her reputation in the dance community.
  • “Dancing with the Stars” Title with Jordan Fisher: The Crown Jewel
    • Season: Won during the 25th season of the show
    • Partnership: A magical chemistry with actor and singer Jordan Fisher
    • Impact: Winning this title catapulted Lindsay into mainstream fame, making her a household name and a sought-after professional in the dance industry.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit: Business Ventures

  • LAC by Lindsay Arnold: A Fusion of Dance and Fashion
    • Launch Date: August 2019
    • Concept: A clothing line that blends Lindsay’s love for fashion with her dance persona
    • Products: Offers a range of dancewear, casual wear, and accessories
    • Market Reception: Received a warm welcome, especially among her fan base and the dance community
  • The Business Philosophy: More Than Just a Clothing Line
    • Mission: To empower women through fashion, encouraging them to embrace their individuality
    • Vision: To expand the brand into a lifestyle label that resonates with people who share her passion for dance and fashion

Personal Life and Relationships

The Love Story: From High School Sweethearts to Life Partners

  • Spouse: Samuel Cusick, high-school sweetheart
  • How They Met: Their love story began in the hallways of their high school, blossoming over shared interests and youthful dreams.
  • Engagement: Samuel popped the question in a romantic setting, marking the beginning of their journey towards marital bliss.

The Wedding Bells: A Fairytale Ceremony

  • Date: June 18, 2015
  • Venue: A traditional ceremony held in Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Guest List: A star-studded affair attended by fellow dancers, celebrities, and close family and friends
  • Highlights: The wedding featured a blend of traditional and modern elements, from the vows to the dance floor, making it a memorable event for everyone involved.

The Joys of Motherhood: A New Chapter

  • First Child: Daughter, Sage Jill Cusick, born on November 2, 2020
    • Parenting Experience: The birth of Sage brought a new dimension to Lindsay’s life, introducing her to the joys and challenges of motherhood.
    • Public Reception: Fans and followers have been enamored by the adorable family moments shared on social media.
  • Second Child: Expecting their second daughter in October 2022
    • Anticipation: The family is eagerly awaiting the arrival of their second child, adding another layer of excitement and joy to their lives.
    • Preparations: From baby showers to setting up the nursery, the family is actively preparing to welcome their newest member.

The Harmony of Personal and Professional Life

Lindsay’s personal life has been as enchanting as her professional journey, filled with milestones that are equally significant. Her marriage to Samuel Cusick is not just a union of two individuals but a partnership that has stood the test of time and fame. Their family is growing, and so is their love for each other. The star-studded wedding, the birth of their daughter Sage, and the anticipation of their second child are chapters in a love story that continues to captivate those who follow her life.

Physical Attributes and Fitness Regime

  • Height: 5 feet 6 inches or 168 cm
  • Weight: 54 kg or 119 lbs
  • Fitness Routine:
    • Rigorous dance practice sessions
    • Regular gym workouts focusing on strength and flexibility
    • Yoga and meditation for mental well-being

Financial Milestones and Net Worth

The Monetary Milestone: Net Worth

  • Current Estimate: Around $2 million as of 2023
  • Growth Trajectory: A significant increase over the years, mirroring her rising fame and influence
  • Significance: Lindsay’s net worth is not just a financial statistic but a testament to her dedication, skill, and business acumen. It reflects the value she has created through her multifaceted career.

Diverse Income Streams: The Pillars of Financial Stability

  • Professional Dancing and Choreography: The Core Revenue Source
    • Engagements: Includes performances, choreography projects, and dance workshops
    • Financial Impact: This remains her primary source of income, given her high demand in the dance industry both nationally and internationally.
  • Business Ventures: The Entrepreneurial Extension
    • Flagship Venture: LAC by Lindsay Arnold, her clothing line launched in August 2019
    • Revenue Model: Sales through online platforms and select retail outlets
    • Financial Impact: The business has added a significant revenue stream, diversifying her income and reducing dependency on a single source.
  • TV Appearances and Endorsements: The Celebrity Capital
    • Shows: Regular appearances on reality TV shows like “So You Think You Can Dance” and “Dancing with the Stars”
    • Endorsements: Collaborations with brands for promotional campaigns
    • Financial Impact: These appearances and endorsements not only boost her public profile but also bring in lucrative deals, contributing to her overall net worth.

The Financial Strategy: Smart Money Management

  • Investments: Lindsay is known for her prudent financial decisions, including investments in real estate and mutual funds.
  • Charitable Contributions: She also allocates a portion of her income for philanthropic activities, reflecting her commitment to social causes.


Lindsay Arnold’s journey is a testament to what passion, dedication, and hard work can achieve. From the dance studios of Provo to the glamorous stages of Hollywood, Lindsay has danced her way into the hearts of many. As she continues to evolve both personally and professionally, one thing remains constant – her unwavering love for dance.

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